Holy Week Family Devotionals and Nativity

Join us in devotion and activity as we walk through Holy Week together.

Holy Week Nativity Blocks Family activity:

Supplies Available at Church office:

12- 3″x 4″ Blocks, Holy Week Images (Available here), sandpaper (Available at the church office), Devotional (Below)

Other Supplies Needed:

Scissors, crayons, markers, glue, mod podge


  1. Choose a time that works for your family (daily or weekly)
  2. Read the devotional together
  3. Make a Holy Week block (can be done all at once or two each day, whichever works for your family)
  4. Place Holy Week blocks in designated space

Instructions to make your blocks

  1. Use sandpaper to smooth rough edges from the block(s)
  2. Cut out Holy Week Symbols from sheet
  3. Color character(s)
  4. Glue & place on the block
  5. Mod Podge over character and allow to dry
  6. Write the day’s story title and scripture verse on the  back of the block
  7. Place in Easter Day Scene

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning:        Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

Block: #1 Donkey

Share: Your hopes for the day

Read: Read Scripture together. Mark 11:1-10

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder.

Share what part of the passage you can take with you today.

Pray: Luther’s Morning Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God protect your coming and goings for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Sunday Evening:

Sunday Evening: Jesus Clears Out the Temple Courtyard

Block: #2 Coins & Birds

Share: Your joys and challenges from the day

Read: Read the scripture together. Mark 11:12-19

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can relate to most today?

Pray: Luther’s Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God give you peace and rest as you sleep.

Monday Morning

Monday Morning: Mary Anoints Jesus

Block:  #3 Feet & Oil

Share: Your hopes for the day

Read: Read the Scripture together. Mark 14:3-9

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can take with you today?

Pray: Luther’s Morning Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God protect your coming and goings for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Monday Evening

Monday Evening: Jesus Washes Disciples Feet

Block: #4 Water jug & basin.

Share: Your joys and challenges from the day

Read: Read the Scripture together. John 13:1-20

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can relate to most today?

Pray: Luther’s Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God give you peace and rest as you sleep.

Tuesday Morning

Tuesday Morning: Last Supper

Block: #5 Bread & Wine OR Jesus & Disciples

Share: Your hopes for the day

Read: Read Scripture together. Mark 14: 12-25       

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can take with you today?

Pray: Luther’s Morning Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God protect your coming and goings for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Tuesday Evening

Tuesday Evening: Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Block:  #6 Tree & Praying Hands

Share: Your joys and challenges from the day

Read: Read Scripture together. Mark 14:32-42

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can relate to most today?

Pray: Luther’s Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands,  I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Bless:   Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God give you peace and rest as you sleep.

Wednesday Morning

Wednesday Morning:                   Jesus Betrayed/Arrested

Block: #7 – Bag of Coins

Share: Your hopes for the day

Read: Read the Scripture together       Matthew 26:14-14;47-50

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can take with you today?

Pray: Luther’s Morning Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God protect your coming and goings for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wednesday Evening

Wednesday Evening: Peter Denies Jesus

Block #8

Share: Your joys and challenges from the day

Read: Read the Scripture together. Mark 14: 66-72       

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can relate to most today?

Pray: Luther’s Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God give you peace and rest as you sleep.

Thursday Morning

Thursday Morning: Jesus Before Pilate

Block: #9 Washing hands

Share: Your hopes for the day

Read: Scripture together       Matthew 27:11-26

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can take with you today?

Pray: Luther’s Morning Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God protect your coming and goings for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Thursday Evening

Thursday Evening: Jesus Crucified

Block: #10 Jesus Nazarenus & crown of throns

Share: Your joys and challenges from the day

Read: Scripture together. Mark 15:16-32                 

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can relate to most today?

Pray: Luther’s Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God give you peace and rest as you sleep.

Friday Morning

Friday Morning: Jesus’ Death

Block: #11 Three crosses & temple curtain

Share: Your hopes for the day

Read: Read the scripture together       Mark 15:33-41

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can take with you today?

Pray: Luther’s Morning Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God protect your coming and goings for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Friday Evening

Friday Evening: Jesus Buried

No Block

Share: Your joys and challenges from the day

Read: Read the scripture together. Mark 15:41-47

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can relate to most today?

Pray: Luther’s Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God give you peace and rest as you sleep.

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning: Psalm 22

No Block

Share: Your hopes for the day

Read: Read the Scripture together       Psalm 22

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can take with you today?

Pray: Luther’s Morning Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God protect your coming and goings for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Saturday Evening

Saturday Evening: Psalm 136

No Block

Today is the Easter Vigil. Contact Angela for a list of all vigil readings

Share: Your joys and challenges from the day

Read: Read the Scripture together. Psalm 136:1-9, 23-26 

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can relate to most today?

Pray: Luther’s Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God give you peace and rest as you sleep.

Alleluia Christ is Risen!

Sunday Morning:  Alleluia Christ is Risen!

Block: #12 empty tomb on a large block

Share: Your hopes for the day

Read: Read the Scripture together       John 20:1-19

Talk: Share what part of the passage made you wonder…

Share what part of the passage you can take with you today?

Pray: Luther’s Morning Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Bless: Make the Sign of the cross on each other’s forehead while giving the following blessing

___________, Child of God, May God protect your coming and goings for you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Make the sign of the cross on the forehead.

Go in Peace & Share the Good News!

Thanks, Be to God & We Will!