Faith on the Go! Parable of Two Sons

Faith on the Go! Parable of Two Sons

Faith On The Go

Faith on the Go! Parable of Two Sons

Supplies Bible, Cross, Candle 

InstructionsModify these to meet your family’s needs

    1. Choose a family member to be the Leader this week. You can have a different leader each week!
    2. Gather in a place you can all sit and see each other. You can even change where you meet each week!
    3. Place a Cross, Bible, and Candle in the center.
    4. Light the candle & take some deep breaths. Focus on the candle to prepare for your time together.


Share… Share what you are feeling and experiencing this week

  • How are you feeling today…
  • How did you encounter Jesus this week…
  • What challenges did you encounter…


Read…  Read the scripture together

JonaMatthew 21:23-32

Animated Bible Story


Talk /Journal… Discuss or journal about the following questions

  • What is your favorite part of the story? What challenged you?
  • What did you hear or learn that you didn’t know before?
  • When have you not wanted to do something but knew you should?
  • When have you not done something you said you would?
  • Who do the sons in the story represent today?
  • What does it look like to do the things that God wants us to do? How do we learn what God wants us to do?


Pray… Choose a family member to pray or pray together the following prayer

Teaching God, Help us always do the things that honor you.


Bless… While making the sign of the cross on each others forehead or hand say

(Name), Child of God, be kind, love justice and walk humbly with the Lord. Amen


Optional Activities:

Following God Door Sign

Paper and Markers paint or crayons

  • Using your markers or paint write the following verse from Joshua 24:15 on the piece of paper (you could also use
    •  … Choose for yourselves this day whom you will follow… as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”  
  • Hang the sign on your door as a reminder as you leave to choose to follow God each day serving all God’s Children


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