Summer Worship Devotions and Activities


Here you will find activities and faith practices to grow your faith and take with you this summer. Use the resources to worship, pray, talk, and find Sabbath moments together.

FAITH 5: You will have opportunities to share, read, talk, pray and bless each other each night using the Faith 5 model.

Family Activities: Included with each week are different family activities for you to use to explore deeper with your family.

FALL KICK OFF : Then join us for God’s Work Our Hands on September 1, 2020 to serve and hear the stories of all the places Jesus went over the summer!

Order of Worship:

Song / Light Candles

Share / Read / Talk / Sing / Pray / Bless

Singing is optional; however, music is a great way to focus our hearts and minds on Worship and Prayer.


• Find a time each week that works for your family

• Gather supplies…Bible, Cross, Candle, Prayer cube and Shell.

• Assemble supplies that are needed.

• Place items in middle of space, gather family around, and worship together.

Make your Prayer Cubes

• Follow directions on the prayer cube page to fold and create your cubes

Decorate Shell

• Decorate as desired

• Put a few drops of water to use for blessings



Children’s Online Bible

Week 1: I Am the Bread of Life


How did you encounter Jesus this week…

What challenge did you encountered this week …


What in this passage surprises you or makes you wonder?

When was a time that you were truly hungry?

How would you describe being filled with Jesus?


Use a prayer cube to pray together


(Name), Child of God,

You are filled with the love of Jesus – go share it with others.

Family Activity

Make Bread

Making bread from scratch can teach us so much about God’s love. We learn how love grows as well as patience while we wait for the bread to rise. We can learn forgiveness and self love as we discover that bread never has to look perfect on the outside to be amazing on the inside. Talk about other observations you encounter as you make bread.

Recipe link

Week 2: I AM the Light of the World


How did you encounter Jesus this week…

What challenge did you encounter this week …


John 8:12-18

John 9:1-6

Spark Story Bible Page 4:32

Animated Story


What in this passage surprises you or makes you wonder?

What do you think it means to never walk in darkness?

How can you be a light for others?


Use a prayer cube to pray together


(Name), Child of God,

Shine your light of God’s love into the darkness that others may see and believe.

Songs for Worship…


Make a Candle Holder

Light/candles are a big part of our worship space. They provide us with the reminder of who God is. Have fun creating candle holders out of recycled cans and jars as you talk about what parts are important to you about worship.

Supplies: Can or jar, tissue or construction paper, glue, Epson or kosher Salt

• (Optional) Paint can/jar

• Tear paper into pieces

• Glue pieces in collage on outside of can or jar (let dry)

• Fill container 3/4 full with salt and place candle, filling in with salt to secure..

Week 3: I AM the Gate


How did you encounter Jesus this week…

What challenge did you encounter this week …


What in this passage surprises you or makes you wonder?

What do you imagine the voice of Jesus sounds like?

Who open(s/ed) the gate for you to hear Jesus?


Use a prayer cube to pray together


(Name), Child of God, the Gate is open, go and be the voice of God’s love to others.

Family Activity

Make a Walking Labyrinth

Part of following Jesus is to recognize his voice. A great way to do this is to regularly set aside time to listen to God. Labyrinths provide one type of space to do just this.

Supplies: flat sheet and marker; open space and tape or chalk.

Instructions with tape

Instructions with Flat Sheet or chalk

Week 4: I AM the Good Shepherd


How did you encounter Jesus this week…

What challenge did you encounter this week …


John 10:11-18

Animated Story

Spark Story Bible Page 436




What in this passage surprises you or makes you wonder?

What or who do you protect?

What do you feel in the world today is worth laying down your life for a new one?


Use a prayer cube to pray together


(Name), Child of God,

God knows everything about you and loves you nonetheless.

Family Activity

Give Thank you Cards

Our response to God’s love is always: “Thank you God, how may I serve you today?” This week thank those who lead, serve, and protect our communities.

Supplies: Thank you cards or Paper and something to write with

• As a family, write notes of thank you to those who keep us safe (policemen, firemen, soldiers)

• As a family, write note of thanks to those who lead you in your faith (pastors, family, friends)

Week 5: I AM the Resurrection and the Life


How did you encounter Jesus this week…

What challenge did you encounter this week …


John 11:17-27

Animated Story

Spark Story Bible Page 440


What in this passage surprises you or makes you wonder?

How do you think Lazarus’ life was different after Jesus raised him?

What do you think resurrection looks like? (new life)


Use a prayer cube to pray together.


(Name), Child of God,

You have been given new life, go and love others.

Songs for Worship

Family Activity

Make Resurrection Rolls

A favorite Easter tradition with our youth and families at Peace. Enjoy the gooey goodness of the Resurrection!

Supplies: Crescent Rolls, marshmallows, butter, cinnamon sugar, cupcake holders and cupcake pan.

• Melt butter

• Roll Marshmallow in butter and cinnamon sugar (symbolizes burial oils and spices used)

• Place marshmallow at wide end of crescent roll and roll tucking in sides as you go. (symbolizes burial cloth)

• Place in cupcake holder (symbolizes tomb) and bake according to crescent roll package

• Eat! Careful it’s hot! (Melted marshmallow symbolizes the Resurrection)

Week 6: I AM the Way


How did you encounter Jesus this week…

What challenge did you encounter this week …


John 14:1-14

Animated Story

Spark Story Bible Page 448


What in this passage surprises you or makes you wonder?

What do you think it means to do the works of Jesus?

What stopped you this week from following the Way?


Use a prayer cube to pray together


(Name), Child of God,

Go out and sing and love and follow the Way of Jesus.

Family Activity

Go Out and Serve!

Jesus lead the way by serving others and standing up for injustice. Chose a way this week for your family to serve and share the love of Jesus with others.

• Ideas…buy food for food bank, hand out food donations at church, donate toys and books, donate clothes, hand out water to someone who is homeless, adopt a grandparent – the possibilities are endless.

• Contact Angela if you need ideas to fit your family.

Week 7: I AM the Vine


How did you encounter Jesus this week…

What challenge did you encounter this week …


John 15:1-17

Animated story

Spark Story Bible Page 452


What in this passage surprises you or makes you wonder?

What do you think it means to do the works of Jesus?

What stopped you this week from following the Way?


Use a prayer cube to pray together


(Name), Child of God,

Jesus chose you to share His love. Go and love others unconditionally!

Family Activity

Cake Mix Cookies to Share

There is no better way to share love than with fresh baked cookies. Make them for your neighbors, medical staff, first responders, friends, teachers…

Supplies: Cake Mix (my favorite is chocolate), 1/3 cup veg. oil, 2 eggs, 1 cup add-ins (my fav is M&Ms)


• Preheat oven to 350 degrees

• Mix Cake mix, oil and eggs until smooth.

• Fold in Add-ins (optional)

• Scoop onto cookie sheet 2” apart

• Bake 9-10 minutes until edges are lightly brown